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IPO and Capital Solution for Bank Sulut

IPO share is the activity of the company in searching for the additional fund including capital via Capital Market through the way of doing share issuing or share selling to the whole public (go public). This selling share/stock activity done by the company to the public based on the procedure organized by the capital market regulation and the implementation regulation.

Total Assets of Bank Sulut Reach 4 trillion Rupiah, A Profit Surpassing 100 Billion Rupiah

The development of Bank Sulut in statistics from 2007 up to November 2010 looks to continue to grow as follows: Total assets of Rp 2.2 trillion (2007), Rp 2.9 trillion (2008), Rp 3.3 Trillion

KUR Achievements of Bank Sulut have reach 80%

The provision of loans without collateral up to 20 million rupiah, only by the recommendation of religious leaders (Reverend, Pastor, Priest, Shepherd, etc.). "Individuals can 10 million rupiah and group up to Rp 20 million,"


Bonds are long-term debt securities issued by an institution with a nominal value (par / par value) and a certain maturity. The issuer can be a private companies, state enterprises, or government ( both central

Sulut Siap Jadi Pintu Gerbang Asia Pasifik

MANADO - Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) siap menjadi pintu gerbang Indonesia untuk masuk Asia Pasifik. Selain didukung letak geografis yang strategis, Sulut sudah memiliki infrastruktur, sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia yang mendukung,


Predikat Sangat Bagus dari 120 Bank, dari INFOBANK
"InfoBank Awards 2009" Very Good Notation from 120 bank from INFOBANK

Predikat Sangat Bagus dari 125 Bank, dari INFOBANK
"InfoBank Awards 2008" Very Good