Berita dan Informasi

Lungkang reaches highest BSMR score of level 5 certification with the highest mark

Lungkang Reaches Highest Score of Level V Certification in Indonesia.
Closing the last year in 2010, there was another amazing achievement gotten by Bank Sulut. Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Resiklo (BSMR), an independent institution formed on initiative of Bank Indonesia and formed by IRPA (Indonesian Risk Professional Association), gave special achievement to Bank Sulut Compliance Director, Jefferson Lungkang for the highest score achieved in Certification Test of Banking and State Owned Enterprises officials for the highest level, level 5.

Chief Director of BS : Employees have to work together optimizing performance


Chief Director of Bank Sulut, Jeffry Wurangian asked all employees to keep this regional bank and don’t mess bank who has able to give livelihood including toward Sulut and Gorontalo and Gorontalo. “Water in the

Jeffry Wurangian Changes Image of Bank Sulut


Jeffry Wurangian who is currently served as Bank Sulut Chief Director able to change direction policy of PT. Bank Sulut from previously focused on Civil Servant (PNS) to Development Bank that cares for real

Governor and BPD Management Agree to sign BPD Launches Regional Champion

There is a fundamental important note for the growth of Regional Development Bank (BPD) all over Indonesia until the year 2015 which is the MOU signed between shareholders and management of Banks. The shareholders of Bank Sulut

Add Capital,,Go Public is a Brilliant Breakthrough

Chief Director of PT Bank Sulut, Jeffry Wurangian said, after seeing the very spectacular performance this year, year 2010 is going to be closed by Bank Sulut with a great achievement such as, total asset

Bank Sulut Jakarta Occupied Business and Office Center

Bank Sulut Jakarta Branch was officialy occupied new office in Gedung Plaza Gani Djemat di Jalan Imam Bonjol nomor 76-78 , since Monday (6/12) ago. For 6 years working in Metropolitan Jakarta wit h all