Berita dan Informasi

Bank Sulut follow the achieve predicate Fair trail without exception

If the previous government of North Sulawesi province received unqualified opinions from BPK RI, now PT. Bank Sulut "Torang pe bank" also managed to carve the same award in terms of financial management to achieve predicate Fair Without Exception (Wajar tanpa pengecualian/WTP) in 2010 from the Office of Public Transport recommended by Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam).

Bank Sulut wins "The Best Bank Service Excellence"

Manado - North Sulawesi Bank won the prestigious achievement as the best bank in service excellence, "The Best Service Excellence" category of the regional development banks in 2011. The Best Bank Service Excellence for the

Bank Sulut Pioneer of BPD Net Online & BPD Card

PT. Bank Sulut is ready for regional champion. The community pride Bank of North Sulawesi  is a step ahead among dozens of regional development agencies (BPD) in Indonesia. One of them is become a pioneer

Managing Bank is like being a Taxi Driver

In terms of asset value, could be a regional development bank (BPD) are losing big than most other commercial banks. However, the difficulty level of management, almost certainly, the BPD has a level

Bank Sulut Siap Masuk Bursa Efek

Jakarta - PT Bank Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) menyatakan kesiapannya memasuki lantai Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun 2012 mendatang. "Sebelum menuju IPO (initial public offering) , kami secara bertahap sudah

Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama dengan PT. TASPEN (Persero)

Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama antara PT. TASPEN (Persero) dengan PT. Bank Sulut tentang pembayaran THT, THT Multiguna dan Pensiun Melalui Rekening Bank