BANK Sulawesi (BS) is familiarly called Torang Bank (our bank), should be changed following the entry of investors from outside, including BS bond buyers, as well as the opening of a number of branches outside the province of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo. BS new branches that already exist outside the two provinces as it is a branch of Jakarta, Kelapa Gading, Cempaka Putih (at the Hotel North Sulawesi Provincial Government Representative), Branch Surabaya and Malang.
Jakarta - One more step breakthrough done by Bank Sulut in providing the best service for customers and communities of North Sulawesi and Gorontalo, which will issue "Bank Sulut Visa Credit Card." This step is
Jakarta - If you use a credit card from Citi Bank or Amex Bank, or Bank of America, or Mandiri Bank or BCA to pay bills or pay off a note when you`re shopping in
Manado - General Meeting of Shareholders (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham / RUPS) of Bank of North Sulawesi, which was attended by all shareholders "Torang pe bank" (Bank of North Sulawesi Motto), expressed their appreciation to
Manado - Bank Sulut positive performance over the last three years, able to mollify Chairul Tanjung, the boss of ParaGroup parent ofPT Bank Mega. CH familiar greeting Chairul agreed to establish cooperation with PT Bank