Jl. Pasar 66 Buhias
T. (0432) 330345, Fax (0432) 330456
Sitaro - Bank of North Sulawesi region again proved his determination to build and sustain the development of the business world in effort paved the road to the Regional Champion launched by Bank Indonesia, with
PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) affirmed ratings for PT Bank Sulut is idA- and IV/2010 bond bank.
Based on the ranking of research today, Pefindo also provide idBBB + ratings to Bank of North
Although it has received additional commitments of capital loan from Para Group, PT North Sulawesi Regional Development Bank (Bank Sulut) still plans to carry out an IPO (initial public offering / IPO) in 2012.
Bank Sulut will hold a big event Simpeda Withdrawals XVIII a Local Lottery with a total prize of Rp1.3 Milion, which details the following:
• 1 (one) unit of the All New Civic 1.8
Ditujukan kepada pelamar Bank Sulut yang telah dikonfirmasi melalui telepon, bahwa test tertulis yang meliputi Pengetahuan umum perbankan & Bahasa Inggris akan dilaksanakan sebagai berikut:
1. Pelamar Wilayah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara: