Berita dan Informasi


Bonds are long-term debt securities issued by an institution with a nominal value (par / par value) and a certain maturity. The issuer can be a private companies, state enterprises, or government ( both central and local governments ).

Bank of North Sulawesi in 2010, has issued two types of bonds:

1. Bank Sulut Bond IV Year 2010 With Fixed Interest Rates

Emission values Rp390.000.000.000, -
Fixed Rate 12.00% per year
Publication Date 9 April 2010
Due Date 9 April 2015
Interest payments every 3 (three) months
Ratings Result idA-(Single A Minus; Stable Outlook) from PT Pefindo
Trustee PT Bank Mega Tbk

2. Subordinated Bank Sulut I Year 2010 With Fixed Interest Rates

Emissions Value 10,000,000,000, -
Fixed Rate 12.20% per year
Publication Date 9 April 2010
Due Date 9 April 2015
Interest payments every 3 (three) months
Ratings Result idBBB + (Triple B Plus; Stable Outlook) from PT Pefindo
Trustee PT Bank Mega Tbk

Sulut Siap Jadi Pintu Gerbang Asia Pasifik

MANADO - Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) siap menjadi pintu gerbang Indonesia untuk masuk Asia Pasifik. Selain didukung letak geografis yang strategis, Sulut sudah memiliki infrastruktur, sumber daya alam, sumber daya manusia yang mendukung,


Predikat Sangat Bagus dari 120 Bank, dari INFOBANK
"InfoBank Awards 2009" Very Good Notation from 120 bank from INFOBANK

Predikat Sangat Bagus dari 125 Bank, dari INFOBANK
"InfoBank Awards 2008" Very Good

KCP Mangga Dua

Ruko tekstil Jl. Mangga Dua Raya Blok C6 No.7
Telp: 021-6121059


KCP Cempaka Putih

Kawanua Aerotol Jl. Cempaka Putih Raya No.120 (Kantor penghubung pemerintah Prov. Sulawesi Utara)
Telp: 021-4248768

KCP Kelapa Gading

Jl. Boulevard Raya blok TA 2/19 Kelapa Gading Jakarta
Telp: 021-4534453